Hunter Morin ' 61
I joined the Walker Society because I want our school to thrive in a future of uncertain economic times and continue to provide a special opportunity for young men from all walks of life. As a second former, the last of that class of eighth-graders, I would never have had the Woodberry experience without the financial aid provided by thoughtful and generous benefactors. My brother Page, who followed me at WFS, was also the beneficiary of that generosity.
The lessons learned at Woodberry, the lifetime of friendships formed there, the disciplines taught, and the importance of tradition are now ours to protect and preserve. In my case, I look forward to my young grandchildren having the same opportunity I had to earn demerits, to observe and value a white flag, to beat Episcopal, and to graduate with a Woodberry degree!
Marc B. Copen ' 91
I have been a member of the Walker society for many years; my first will, at age twenty-one, included a bequest to Woodberry Forest. I wanted to thank Woodberry in some small way for the education I received and for the life lessons I learned. As we move into a stage of our lives where estate planning is becoming more and more important, I urge you to consider making an estate plan if you have not already done so. Providing for the ongoing security of our families is a goal that I know all of us share, which is why creating an estate plan, however basic, is so important. In doing so it is easy to name Woodberry Forest as a beneficiary, either through a simple bequest or by naming the school as a partial beneficiary of an IRA or life insurance policy. If you already have an estate plan in place, it is very simple to add Woodberry as a beneficiary. In either case, your generosity towards Woodberry, in any amount, will help to ensure future generations of Woodberry boys the same chance to benefit from the Woodberry experience as much as we did.
Blair Alexander '66
I joined the Walker Society as I felt a strong allegiance to an organization which taught me life-long lessons in many areas, not the least of which was the honor system. Most of us have been brought up in somewhat sheltered circumstances, and when we moved on to college and a job, we may have found that Woodberry is not the guiding light of the universe, but a way of living our lives and being proud of it. I want to do something that will allow others to experience the magic of four years at Woodberry.
There are many charitable organizations that can provide similar plans to the ones we have been offered in the attached brochure. I am personally involved in several other organizations which I considered for a gift or bequest, but of all of them, Woodberry was the ONLY one that has the know how to prepare the proper complicated paperwork and make it a totally seamless document.
On My Honor Committee Members
Tell Their Story Forward
William O. Alden '42
W Blair Alexander '66
Bruce M. Babcock '58
Francis C. Bagbey '68
John D. Baker '66
Martin M. Boney '85
Martin W. Borden '83
D. Bruce Christian PP
Mark B. Copen '91
Benjamin H. Davis '89
James C. Eller '49
Louisville, KY
San Diego, CA
Winston Salem, NC
Cary, NC
Jacksonville, FL
Raleigh, NC
Raleigh, NC
Lynchburg, VA
Charlotte, NC
Dallas, TX
Winston Salem, NC
On My Honor Campaign Committee Members
Edward H. Hardison '51
Cameron M. Harris '62
George S. Hillhouse '84
Paul S. Huber '68
Byron C. Hulsey '86
Harry Jones '90
Joseph A. Lipe '63
Carey C. Maloney '72
Albert C. Monk '57
R. Hunter Morin '61
Russell M. Robinson '50
Geoffrey P. Sisk '77
Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC
Austin, TX
Woodberry Forest, VA
Woodberry Forest, VA
Atlanta, GA
Charlotte, NC
New York, NY
Morehead City, NC
Fredericksburg, VA
Charlotte, NC
Richmond, VA